Make Grandma Great Again!




"Wat" is a variant of the English word "what" that is often used to express confusion or disgust, much like its better known acronym "WTF," short for "what the f**k."


Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

About WAT

Meet 'WAT' Memecoin, born from the legendary "Wat Grandma" meme, now thriving on Solana. It's not just crypto, it's a tribute to an internet sensation that had us all laughing. We're keeping the legacy of that unforgettable puzzled look alive..

Join us in celebrating a piece of meme history and keep the joy rolling on the blockchain!



Zero TAX
1B Total Supply
LP Burned
Mint Freeze

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Say Waaaat! Say Waaaat!

Our Roadmap

WAT's on Deck

Launch community and token-themed meme competitions, and engage in KOL outreach and partnerships.

$WAT Allocations

List the token on exchanges, implement stake and burn mechanisms, and release the bot.

WAT's Next

-- WAT?

How to Buy $WAT

Welcome to the simple guide on how to buy $WAT!
Below, you'll find all the necessary steps to participate easily.

Create Wallet

To get started, you need a digital wallet. Download Phantom or Solflare for free from the App Store or Google Play Store. If you're on a desktop, you can add the Google Chrome extension by visiting or

Get some SOL

$WAT requires SOL for transactions. Ensure your wallet has SOL. If you're in need of SOL, purchase it from any reputable cryptocurrency exchange and transfer it to your Phantom or Solflare wallet.

Swap SOL for $WAT Visit, use the provided contract (below) to swap.

Jupiter Wallet: Swap directly on this site using the integrated Jupiter wallet (below) for a seamless experience.

Follow these steps to easily join the $WAT ecosystem.


The most Memeable meme coin...

Contract address:
